KRAUSE’S GROVE, 2 Beach Road, Halfmoon, NY


1:00 PM TO 6:00 PM ~ RAIN OR SHINE

$30.00 per adult ticket at gate - $20.00 for children under 12

includes donation to Harvard Stem Cell Institute.

5 hour picnic with soda, beer, games, raffles, 50/50, live music




Abundant food and dessert being served 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Those who wish to join a pre-picnic motorcycle cavalcade around the beautiful Tomhannock Reservoir in Ali’s honor will meet at the Troy Plaza on Hoosick Street at 10:00 A.M. for sign up and the cavalcade will kick off at 11:00 A.M. sharp.

For more info: https://www.facebook.com/Rally4Ali

For Further Information


For the Run, Wally Urzan


For the Picnic & Cause

Alison Fisk


Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Diabetes skyrockets across America as Big Pharma drugs fail yet again

Monday, April 22, 2013 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer
(NaturalNews) Despite steady increases in medication usage rates for preventing and treating the condition, Type II diabetes is more prevalent than ever throughout the U.S., according to a new study released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Between 1995 and 2010, the number of people diagnosed with diabetes in nearly half of all the U.S. states more than doubled, with the sharpest increases occurring throughout southern and Appalachian states.

Based on the figures, Oklahoma saw the largest increase in new diabetes cases, which jumped an astounding 226 percent throughout the 16-year period. Kentucky took second place with a 158 percent increase, followed by Georgia with a 145 percent increase, and Alabama with a 140 percent increase. Washington state and West Virginia were next, with 135 percent and 131 percent increases, respectively.

"Regionally, we saw the largest increase in diagnosed diabetes prevalence in the South, followed by the West, Midwest, and the Northeast," said Linda Geiss, a statistician with the CDC's Division of Diabetes Translation, and author of the study. Adding to this sentiment, Ann Albright, Director of Geiss' division at the CDC, stated that the epidemic will only continue to worsen until "effective interventions and policies are implemented to prevent both diabetes and obesity."

Overall, 42 states throughout the country witnessed at least a 50 percent increased rate of diabetes since 1995, while 18 states saw a 100 percent increase or more during the same period. Interestingly enough, such rapid increases occurred almost immediately after genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) were first unleashed without disclosure to the American public.

'Fattest' states also have most cases of diabetes

Percentage-wise, Mississippi was found to have the highest overall rate of diabetes at 12 percent, which is five percent higher than the national average of seven percent. Mississippi also happens to have the highest overall rate of obesity at 34.9 percent, which is not surprising since weight problems are a common side effect, or perhaps even a direct cause, of diabetes.

"The rise in diabetes has really gone hand in hand with the rise in obesity," added Geiss, further illustrating the fact that the corresponding rise in pharmaceutical drug usage during the same period has done absolutely nothing to curb either health epidemic. If anything, pharmaceutical drugs are directly contributing to both the diabetes and obesity epidemics, right along with GMOs, artificial sweeteners, refined sugars, and sedentary lifestyle.

You and your family do not have to become just another diabetes statistic, however. Some simple steps you can take to prevent and even reverse diabetes include cutting out all refined sugars, eating large amounts of nutrient-dense "superfoods," engaging in a regular exercise routine, taking vitamin D3 or exposing your skin to natural sunlight regularly, and avoiding chemical-laden processed foods.

To learn more, visit: http://www.naturalnews.com/030150_diabetes_Americans.html

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/040017_diabetes_health_trends_drug_failure.html#ixzz2RI4WX23Q

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Harvard investigation of stem cell scientific misconduct provides insight into secretive process

When a former stem cell researcher at the Joslin Diabetes Center was found to have committed scientific misconduct last year, the report detailing her wrongdoing was brief and succinct. An investigation had revealed that Shane Mayack reused images from unrelated experiments in two scientific papers, according to a note government authorities published in the Federal Register in August.
The full report of the internal Harvard Medical School investigation on which the federal authorities based their finding has now been released to the Globe through a Freedom of Information Act request. It provides deeper insight into how this particular case of misconduct was first detected and gives a sense of how the highly secretive investigations of serious, potentially career-ending allegations unfurl.
The penalties Mayack agreed to last year were typical of how such cases are resolved: she must have her research supervised if she receives federal funding for public health research for three years and can’t serve on advisory panels, among other concessions. But the case was also unusual in some respects.
First, it triggered the retraction of a high-profile finding that had been published in a top scientific journal, with exciting implications for anti-aging research. That retracted paper, published in Nature, had shown that exposing older mice to the blood of young mice could reverse some effects of aging. Although the paper was retracted, subsequent research supports the finding.
Second, the misconduct occurred in the laboratory of Amy Wagers, an up-and-coming scientist at the Harvard Stem Cell Institute and the Joslin. Wagers was not involved in the misconduct, and the full investigative report clarifies any lingering questions about her role, stating, “The evidence did not suggest that Dr. Mayack lacked appropriate mentorship in conducting her research or that sloppy record-keeping was deemed acceptable, even tacitly...”
Mayack did not respond to an e-mail. She is currently listed as executive director of The Ligo Project, a nonprofit organization that is described on its website as “bridging the gap between entrepreneurship and the life sciences.” Wagers referred a reporter to a Harvard Medical School spokesman who said the school is committed to the highest ethical standards and investigates such allegations seriously.
The report, from which many details have been redacted, reveals how a panel gathered information—by conducting interviews with scientists and reviewing computer hard drives.
The problems with Mayack’s research were first suspected in spring of 2010, according to the report. An unnamed researcher was having difficulty successfully performing a technique that Mayack had reported. He began a side-by-side experiment with her to learn how to do the technique firsthand.
As part of the procedure, both scientists took a similar number of cells and put them on lab dishes to let them grow overnight.
The next day, the unnamed researcher was surprised when he saw that Mayack’s laboratory dish had more cells and looked different from his. He did not find the differing results suspicious, but “could not explain the discrepancy and found the apparent results to be inconsistent with what Dr. Mayack had previously reported,” the report states.
Then, the researcher began using Google to search for images related to the technique and discovered an image in a 2006 paper that was very similar to an image in a paper Mayack and Wagers had published in 2008.
“When he first found the image, he didn’t think anything of it, only noting that it looked similar to the image in the” 2008 paper, the report states. But with his curiosity aroused by his inability to replicate Mayack’s technique, he realized it looked like an identical image that had been rotated, which was what brought the issue to light and eventually led Harvard to form the panel.
The medical school investigative team determined that the images were identical. Mayack also admitted they were during an interview, according to the report, but said it was an innocent mistake—explaining to the panel that her filing system had caused her to accidentally misrepresent the image.
But the investigative team concluded otherwise. The report states that Mayack’s filing system was not disorganized, as she repeatedly claimed. They also found the image in question saved on her computer as it appeared in search engine results and described discovering in her PowerPoint slides a “hidden” image that was attached to the apparently copied image. That image was identical to yet another figure in the 2006 paper.
“She had no specific recollection of the [2006] Tsuang paper or of cropping and rotating the specific image in question,” the report states.
In four other instances, Mayack furnished similar explanations; not denying that figures are identical, but attributing their misrepresentation in her papers and presentations as unintentional mistakes. The panel found in each case evidence of scientific misconduct, including that various figures and images were falsified or fabricated.
In a letter written to John L. Brooks III, the president and chief executive of Joslin Diabetes Center, an unnamed spokesperson for the Harvard Medical School Standing Committee on Faculty Conduct laid out their findings.
“We find the number and pattern of discrepancies uncovered, including those that required both manipulation and rotation of cropped images, to be disconcerting,” the letter states. “Applying the federal standard of proof, we find it is more likely than not that Dr. Mayack intentionally, knowingly or recklessly committed actions that constitute research misconduct.”

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

3D stem cell culture helps better understand Alzheimer’s

A team of researchers has developed a technique to produce three-dimensional cultures of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells called embryoid bodies, amenable to live cell imaging and to electrical activity measurement. As reported in their Stem Cell Research study, these cell aggregates enable scientists to both model and to study diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.
The NYSCF Alzheimer’s disease research team at The New York Stem Cell Foundation Research Institute is led by Scott Noggle, PhD, Director of the NYSCF Laboratory and the NYSCF – Charles Evans Senior Research Fellow for Alzheimer’s Disease, and Michael W. Nestor, PhD, a NYSCF Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Their work aims to better understand and to find treatments to this disease through stem cell research. For such disorders in which neurons misfire or degenerate, the NYSCF team creates “disease in a dish” models by reprogramming patients’ skin and or blood samples into induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells that can become neurons and the other brain cells affected in the diseases.
The cells in our body form three-dimensional networks, essential to tissue function and overall health; however, previous techniques to form complex brain tissue resulted in structures that, while similar in form to naturally occurring neurons, undermined imaging or electrical recording attempts.
In the current study, the Noggle and Nestor with NYSCF scientists specially adapted two-dimensional culture methods to grow three-dimensional neuron structures from iPS cells. The resultant neurons were “thinned-out,” enabling calcium-imaging studies, which measure the electrical activity of cells like neurons.
3D stem cell culture helps better understand Alzheimers“Combining the advantages of iPS cells grown in a 3D environment with those of a 2D system, our technique produces cells that can be used to observe electrical activity of putative networks of biologically active neurons, while simultaneously imaging them,” said Nestor. “This is key to modeling and studying neurodegenerative diseases.”
Neural networks, thought to underlie learning and memory, become disrupted in Alzheimer’s disease. By generating aggregates from iPS cells and comparing these to an actual patient’s brain tissue, scientists may uncover how disease interferes with these cell-to-cell interactions and understand how to intervene to slow or stop Alzheimer’s disease.
“This critical new tool developed by our Alzheimer’s team will accelerate Alzheimer’s research, enabling more accurate manipulation of cells to find a cure to this disease,” said Susan L. Solomon, CEO of NYSCF.

Read more at http://scienceblog.com/62016/3d-stem-cell-culture-helps-better-understand-alzheimers/#1usHGoG7vLeTWBdd.99