Alison Fisk Urzan
Our 2nd Annual Rally for Ali was a fabulous success this September! The Picnic for a Cause generated significantly more publicity this year when Ali’s good friend Mary Dubois was interviewed by The Troy Record and Ali’s husband Wally Urzan was interviewed by the Albany Times Union. Both had excellent featured articles about Ali’s life cut short by diabetic complications and about this years picnic at Krause’s Grove with their photograph included in the interviews. Just as wonderful this year an additional 80 people, including the Capital District Scooter and Moped Club Riders, joined us to support diabetic research at Harvard Stem Cell Institute by attending our picnic. The CDSMC also made a great video, CDSMC Rides With The Big Boys found on Ali’s Blog.
Gary at Krause’s Grove has already received down payment for our 3rd Annual Rally for Ali and it is confirmed that our Picnic for A Cause will take place on Saturday, September 24, 2011. Please Save the Date! Wally has already established Blue Hand Luke will be playing at the 2011 Rally and Bill of the Green Mountain Pranksters and John of the John Morse Band have both also confirmed with Ali Mama next year’s gig.
Ali enthusiastically attended her beautiful picnic and all those there who know her best, and some who knew her not at all, felt her joyous presence amongst us.
In the past two years there have been many stories related to me, not only by Ali’s family but also by her many good friends, about how they felt Ali’s palpable presence at different times in their lives since she crossed over ~ whether at a concert attended by her friends, at the beach with the all-time summertime girl, at work or home, or simply driving in their car and a special song comes on while they were thinking of Ali. Some of her friends tell me that they think of her every single day, and know that she’s with them when they need her…
Someday I’m going to put all their stories together as such hints, symbols, and sometimes downright attention-getting happenings let us know that our loved one is still with us, visits us, sends us messages (if we pay attention) and gives us signs all the time that they’re around us still. The signs and symbols, the dreams and lucid dreams Ali has been sending us have been going on for over two years now and she continues to make herself known at different times, perceiving that her family and friends will share their stories so that others will be on the lookout for the same meaningful coincidences or synchronicities. Meaningfulness, that gives the person receiving such a message not only a subjective experience, but more importantly an inner “knowing” – when our outer world and our inner worlds connect. The most important thing is we keep an open mind to receiving such experiences when they occur and even more importantly noting when they do happen. When synchronicities are noted they seem to happen more frequently for some reason even though we can’t MAKE them happen.
Just weeks after Ali crossed over, on the day of her initial Rally in 2008, a motorcycle/car cavalcade gathered together in the Troy Plaza to pay tribute to Ali’s memory by riding around her favorite haunts. There were dozens of white/cream-colored butterflies soaring all around the Plaza that day; some people noticed them, others didn’t. Butterflies represent a visitation of a loved one crossed over. They are symbolic of Imagine, the whole of your life changing to such an extreme you are unrecognizable at the end of the transformation.
Two of the beauteous Ali Baba’s most recent visitations happened in May and in August of this year, 2010. The May visitation by Ali was at Ms. Jane’s annual Cinco de Mayo party. When one of Jane’s long-time friends was arriving at the festivities, she told Jane that she “caught a glimpse of Ali out of the corner of her eye” as she got out of her car. Ali was standing in the midst of a group of friends and was laughing. The sighting was only for a nanosecond in time and then it was gone. But Jane’s friend knew that Ali was thoroughly enjoying herself there that day. In Jane’s email to me: “My friend Barbara…she's the writer and a bit of a psychic, told me when she got out of her car to come here she saw Ali out of the corner of her eye, and that Ali was here and having fun (Of course I knew that already)”.
The August visitation by Ali was to her mother (me) and to her beloved niece Meaghan who was expecting her first child; both of whom have had Ali visitations before. It happened as they were going to an OBGYN appointment just before Maggie’s baby was born on August 23rd and involves the Karner Blue Butterfly. The butterfly itself has long been a Christian symbol of resurrection, for it disappears into a cocoon and appears dead, but emerges later far more beautiful and powerful than before. As a symbol of Christ's resurrection after three days in the grave it is also a symbol of every Christian's hope of resurrection from the dead. I won’t go into that visitation in this newsletter because I don’t want to bore the skeptics among us, but will send it via another email entitled Ali and the Karner Blue Butterfly: A Synchronicity to those of us who believe that indeed there are more astounding things twixt heaven and earth than this world dreams of…
…Our Annual Rally for Ali envisions a time in which future generations will never again suffer from the killer diabetes that persistently pounded away at our gorgeous, gutsy little Ali in the very prime of her incredibly compassionate life. And finally, as we again recall how Ali’s diabetes marched tenaciously onward for 25 years before cruelly snatching her from us, we collectively pledge that this year, and every year hereafter, we will rally for Ali until her insidious destroyer is utterly defeated ~ by US ALL.
Ali is always very excited to celebrate with us the unwavering certainty that LIFE triumphs over death as she blissfully joined us at this years event in her honor ~ Our Cause ~ the 2010 SECOND ANNUAL RALLY FOR ALI ! She very much looks forward to overseeing the preparations for the 3rd Annual Rally for Ali as life, on both sides of the veil, marches on!
God Bless and Much Love, The Family of Alison Fisk Urzan
"How does one become a butterfly?" she asked.
"You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar."
One of the very last “just because” cards I ever received from my beautiful daughter Ali featured a drawing of two ladies on the front of the card wearing sunhats and carrying pocketbooks and bags and they appeared to be on their way to the beach (where else?). Her multitude of friends will appreciate the expressions in the card as they capture exactly the grand spirit Ali was born with and also the relationship Ali and I have always had all our lives and still continue to have. The verse reads…
The kind of friends we’ll always be…
We’ll go where we want and we’ll do what we like.
We’ll say what we mean. We’ll mean what we say.
We’ll question authority. We’ll push the envelope.
We’ll go out a limb. We’ll fall.
We’ll pick ourselves up and try again.
But we’ll be there for each other. And we’ll survive.
We’ll become. We’ll unravel.
We’ll roll up our sleeves and roll with the punches.
We’ll hurt. We’ll heal.
We’ll weep and feel.
And then in Ali’s own handwriting…
And we’ll grow stronger - because we are a “we,”
Because we are FRIENDS,
And we will be FOREVER!
Dear Sookie ~
Thank you so much for being my daughter first and, at your request, forever best friends second. For letting me know, and through me, letting your circles and circles of friends know, along with all others who are interested in meaningful coincidences by way of your Karner Blue butterfly synchronicity that you’re ALIVE AND WELL and that you’re still with us every single day! I Love you, forever. ~ Mom
Alison Fisk Urzan