The date of the 2nd Annual Rally for Ali which was originally set for Saturday, September 25, 2010 has been changed to the NEW date of Saturday, October 2, 2010 and Gary at Krause's Grove has accepted our deposit for this new date. We will be sending out new SAVE THE DATE, MARK YOUR CALENDAR flyer emails shortly.
Wally called yesterday and said he wants to apologize to everyone via this email for the mix up. He said before our September rally date was set with Gary, he had received a save-the-date card for a wedding on September 25 which he had entirely forgotten about. The daughter of Howie and Terry, Wally and Ali's longtime good friends, will be getting married then. Wally said that date had slipped his mind entirely when September 25 arrangements were being made with Gary for the 2nd Annual Rally for Ali. Some other members of the Committee received save-the-date cards re the wedding as well.
As it is still early in the year, Gary confirmed that the date of Saturday, October 2, 2010 is still open and we secured that new date with our original deposit to him.
Please mark on your calendars the new date for the 2nd Annual Rally for Ali:
Saturday, October 2, 2010.
Wally wants everyone to know that he is sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused and looks forward to the initial meeting of the 2nd Annual Rally for Ali Planning Committee which will be held sometime next month. Details on that to follow.
Alice Fisk